Boosting Inventory with Social Media

Boosting Inventory with Social Media

By: Michael Sos, Director, Prime and Digital Strategy

Social media is ansocial media tips infographic effective tool that can help increase a dealership’s inventory turnover. Dealers should use high quality photos, videos, and stories to maximize their social posts’ lead potential. When sharing used inventory, dealers should take high quality photos that showcase the actual car being sold.

A dealership’s Facebook followers usually consists of friends, family, or previous customers of the dealership.1 Dealers may not want to bombard these followers with posts that contain older stock, however; they still need to share this inventory with potential buyers. The ‘Oldest on the Lot’ feature in Dominion’s Prime Response allows social media managers to create “dark social” posts in seconds to accelerate buyer interest.2 These social media posts are hidden from a dealership’s loyal followers and instead, only shared with interested shoppers.

Prime Response helps dealers maintain updated inventory, creates “dark social” media posts, and supplies dealers with a library full of third-party content. Prime Response also creates listings for the dealership’s current inventory. This content, whether it’s from a stock library or from a dealership’s on-the-lot inventory, can be posted onto various social media platforms within the Prime Response application. When posting the content, Prime Response provides an option to “boost” the post. Boosting a social media post makes it more likely to be seen by the dealership’s targeted audience. Dealers using Prime Response can also generate reports to see how many “shoppers” came from each campaign.

Click here to view the entire case study.

*PCG Research Prime Response Case Study


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+automotive +social media +management, automotive social listening, automotive social media advertising, car dealership social media management,

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