Campaign Builder: The Key to Fast and Easy Equity Mining

Campaign Builder: The Key to Fast and Easy Equity Mining

By: Steve Lausch, Director of Product Marketing

The Past: Slow and Painful

I remember the first time I heard a dealer express the power of equity mining at work in his dealership nearly 10 years ago.

“I used to go into the back office and dig through our files of old deals,” he said with an obvious sigh. “After discovering my payments customers, I then cross-referenced their term and payment info with the rebates and incentives currently in play.”

From there, he described the additional steps he would have to take in order to determine a somewhat qualified list of owners to contact, in hopes of getting them into new vehicles.

I imagine many of you reading this post can identify. And I admire your effort and persistence, as I did his. Of course, since then the market has been introduced to Dominion’s equity mining solution, DealActivator™.

The Present: Fast and Easy

Sure, the thousands of dealers who have used DealActivator have enjoyed a rich history of equity mining power, but that rich history also means the expertise to deliver that power in a fast and easy way.

For example, have you ever needed a list of higher APR customers who bought a new car from your dealership a year ago and are still in payments? Or a list of list customers trending over miles in the final year of their leases? DealActivator puts these customers at a dealership’s fingertips in seconds — courtesy of Campaign Builder.

Campaign Builder gives dealers the freedom to strategically target opportunities within the DMS. It intelligently considers all market conditions, manufacturer incentives, and profit structuring when reviewing customer records. The color-coded contact icons, CRM integration, and printing options simplify the process of working each lead.

The Future: Bright

As a dealer, you structure the campaign of your choice, and DealActivator’s Campaign Builder instantly flags any customer that can swap keys and drive off happily with a new car and lower payment.

Combine this ease-of-use with other differentiators like DealActivator’s Priority Page or Soft Credit Pulls, and you’ll see why other dealers are increasing gross by 25% and growing sales volume by 20%.

If your dealership is not already enjoying these benefits from Dominion’s equity mining solution, reach out today to learn more or stop by Booth # 2123C at NADA in Las Vegas for a customized product demo.

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