GM’s Most Integrated CRMs Autobase and Web Control are Turnkey iMR

GM’s Most Integrated CRMs Autobase and Web Control are Turnkey iMR


Dominion Autobase and Web Control have each been certified as a “Premium CRM” by General Motors.

Dominion Dealer Solutions and General Motors (GM) are proud to announce the launch of the new Dealer Technology Assistance Program (DTAP) Premium Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Program. This program allows dealers who contract with Dominion Dealer Solutions (a Premium CRM provider) the ability to access Premium workbench features while leveraging the use of iMR funds toward the cost of their Web Control® and/or Autobase product.

Objectives of the GM Premium CRM Program:

  • Improve quality of customer communications, increase transparency, improve BDC lead response capability, increase appointment to show conversion and close rates.
  • Enable access to specific customer, pricing and vehicle data within a DTAP Certified CRM.
  • Enable GM dealership personnel to quickly provide customized rich lead responses (online, offline, phone, in-person).

Dominion Dealer Solutions has more GM required features and data integrations completed than any other provider! With both Dominion’s Autobase and Web Control CRMs, users can now access GM tools from within the client record. This capability was formerly only accessible from the dealer’s Work Bench. Integration points now include:

  • DCDE Customer Search
  • VPS – Incentives Offer Management (IOM)
  • VPS – GM Credit Card

The popular Vehicle Locate Service (VLS) and Vehicle Invoice Service (VIS) integrations are also coming soon.

As part of the new “Premium CRM” designation, GM dealers who contract with Dominion Web Control or Autobase will be able to use iMR turn-key funds to reimburse themselves for the monthly cost. Details can be found in the iMR Guidelines: (>Training>Guidelines/Brand Standards>Guidelines).

With very few automotive CRMs selected for Premium Certification by GM, Dominion is proud to have both Autobase and Web Control as part of this new DTAP certification. Since each GM dealer has unique needs, both Autobase and Web Control have a variety of features and benefits to serve the GM community.

Key benefits include:

  • Support any lead type (New, Used and CPO) from most any OEM and most 3rd-party providers
  • Increase efficiency by automating daily processes with customizable work plans
  • Easily monitor sales staff performance
  • Improve CSI and measure ROI of all sources
  • Track lead sources by volume, closing ratio, profit margin and more to determine ROI
  • Key integrations with Dominion products such as DealActivator as well as other third-party vendors

Put an intuitive, cost-effective CRM or Lead Management solution from Dominion Dealer Solutions in your General Motors dealership today! Call 877.421.1040 or click here.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM),
Autobase, CRM, ILM, Lead Management, Web Control,

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