Top Five 2016 Equity Blogs


Top Five 2016 Equity Blogs

By: John Hardacre, Product Manager

In case you missed it, here are the top five equity blogs so far from 2016!

Ferman Chevrolet’s DealActivator Success

DealActivatorDominion Dealer Solutions’ DealActivator provides franchise dealerships with an entirely new stream of business opportunities from highly-qualified, equity customers ready to close. DealActivator’s equity mining tool turns potential car buyers into repeat, loyal customers by offering newer vehicles for trade with lower payments. It drives a dealership’s message with targeted marketing, making this solution easy and effective for any dealership.

Campaign Builder: The Key to Fast and Easy Equity Mining

In the past, dealers spent a tremendous amount of time digging through files of old deals in order to find qualified list owners to get them into new vehicles. Fortunately, today, automotive dealers have DealActivator, Dominion’s equity mining tool. With DealActivator’s Campaign Builder, dealers strategically target opportunities within the DMS. Combining DealActivator’s Campaign Builder with Soft Credit Pulls, allows dealers to increase gross and grow sales volume.

DealActivator: How Should You Handle “Too Many Leads”?

I’ve yet to meet an automotive dealer whocontacts isn’t interested in generating more leads each month. Who doesn’t want to sell more cars and increase revenue? Those dealers just don’t seem to be out there.

On the other hand, at Dominion Dealer Solutions, we have had dealers ask for help handling the abundance of leads they receive from our equity mining solution, DealActivator. It’s been known to serve up so many new business opportunities that, often times, it’s hard to know where to begin.

Soft Credit Pulls & Batch Processing: The Next Level

Conquest business directly from your dealership’s service drive with Dominion DealActivator’s SoftCredit Pulls. Start pre-screening your service customer’s credit in real-time. It’s quick, easy and doesn’t affect the customer’s credit score. With Soft Credit Pulls, automotive dealers can see which customers are in equity positions while those customers are still on the lot. This is possible regardless of whether or not a customer has previously purchased from your specific dealership.

DealActivator Announces Soft Credit Pull Reporting and Other Data Mining Enhancementssoft credit pull

Norfolk, VA – March 23, 2016 – Dominion Dealer Solutions, a division of Dominion Enterprises, announced today that its equity data mining solution, DealActivator, has completed significant upgrades to its Soft Credit Pull reporting capabilities, Priority Page mobile functionality, and real-time notifications. Dominion Dealer Solutions is an industry leader in equity data mining, automotive marketing, CRM, responsive web design, lead generation, reputation and inventory management.

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