By: Lindsay Crosson, Product Marketing Manager
Can you focus for longer than a goldfish? Probably not. Researchers at Microsoft found human attention spans to be around 12 seconds in the year 2000, whereas now, 18 years later, they discovered that humans can only focus for a mere 8 seconds…1 second less than a goldfish.
“…this lack of focus can sometimes carry over into the workplace — resulting in distracted and unproductive employees.”
In a world where we have instantaneous information at our fingertips, it’s inevitable that our minds are pulled in a million different directions, making it almost impossible to concentrate. And of course, this lack of focus can sometimes carry over into the workplace — resulting in distracted and unproductive employees.
Dealerships tend to use software that has unnecessary complexities and a myriad of unused bells and whistles, it’s foolish to think that employees, especially those with short attention spans, can maintain their focus while using this type of distracting technology.
“…only 29 percent of millennials are engaged at work…”
Choosing dealership software, such as a fuss-free equity mining tool, can mean the difference between preoccupation and productivity. According to, only 29 percent of millennials are engaged at work, while the other 71 percent are either totally unengaged or actively disengaged. One can argue that managers are not giving the sales team, and other young employees, the attention they desperately need. By recognizing that millennials and others who may be easily distracted need a bit more consideration, it’s imperative to find a tool that has the capabilities of monitoring and gauging employee performance. With the ability to monitor activity, managers can structure work processes around what will work best for their individual sales reps.
Although streamlined and simple before, Dominion’s equity mining solution, DealActivator now has advanced algorithms that provide the necessary information for making a sale as soon as a rep logs in. DealActivator equips your Sales and BDC personnel with smart dashboard modules that have already completed the daily, tedious tasks of deciding which customers are most likely to buy and/or upgrade their vehicle. This is in addition to a list of calls to complete, ongoing campaigns to follow up on, as well as an organized look at their day and appointments.
Managers are given a comprehensive, yet fully detailed overview of their dealership activity — allowing them to monitor those who are being productive and those who may need more structured attention. Everything starts with engagement; therefore, it should be a dealership’s mission to install a tool that provides specific priorities and will activate productivity for all employees.
To learn more about how Dominion’s enhanced DealActivator will jumpstart productivity in your dealership click here or call 877.421.1040.